BMI Dialogic OD Resources

Faculty Resource Pack – all BMI DOD lessons and materials
This resource pack is designed to allow access to all learning materials to the BMI DOD Faculty.
This package covers all the elements which make up the three e-learning courses available as part of the BMI Certification.

Participants are required to complete all three courses alongside a customised programme of workshops and/or learning groups, to achieve accreditation.
Programme resources
BMI DOD Faculty overview of e-learning 3 package contents and objectives
Contents – Overview and frame of Dialogic OD
DOD – Self inquiry, reflection and feedback exercise
History and practice of organisation development
Introduction to Dialogic OD
Enablers and premises of dialogic transformation
Dynamic practices of Dialogic OD
Hosting, convening and facilitating
Develop your generative presence to be at your best
DOD Module 1 – Review and test learning (1)
DOD – Review your Dialogic OD competencies
Contents – Discourse, narrative and generative change
Understanding social construction and implications for OD (draft)
Conversing IS organising – taking a discursive approach to change (draft)
Metaphors we live, lead and organise by (draft)
Generative metaphor and the anticipatory principle (draft)
Understanding generative change (draft)
Choosing generative change – why and how do strength-based interventions work?
Definition – the gentle art of reframing (draft)
DOD Module 2 – Review and test learning
DOD – Review your inquiry approaches
Contents – Complexity, emergence and dialogic process consulting
Rethinking organisations for adaptability and antifragility
Understanding organisations as complex interactions and relational responses (draft)
Episodic and process consulting practices (draft)
Working live – simultaneity, inquiry and learning forward (draft)
Adaptive and dialogic leadership – developing your improvisation skills
What is organisation culture, and how does it change? (draft)
Amplification, stories, copying and positive deviancy in change (draft)
DOD Module 3 – Review and test learning
DOD – Review your capacity to ‘work live’ (draft)
This BMI accreditation course offers
Leading edge content
We aim to go beyond the content that can be found in the BMI Dialogic OD sources – drawing on a wide range of Masters and Doctorate level sources on which the emergence of the field (becoming known as Dialogic OD) rests. Each lesson draws on, and integrates hundreds of hours of deep research, often combining and making sense of dozens of books, numerous articles, websites and other publications, videos, podcasts and collaborative conversations – curated and combined through the lens of our own Dialogic OD practice of the last 20 years.
Different types of media to suit all needs
Each lesson will mix videos to watch, with material to read – all aimed to blend academic rigor, with reflective challenge and pragmatic application.
Different types of media to suit all needs
Plus there are downloadable handouts, worksheets, templates and checklists to print and take away, and keep for future reference.
Frequently asked questions
How long can I access a programme or course?
Your programme, course or module will be accessible to you for 1 year from the time you start it.
However in each lesson there are also PDFs, tools, products and exercises, that we think you will want to keep – you can download them, or print them.
What if I fall behind and out of step with the programme timing?
All significant learning commitments require some dedication. This means making conscious choices, and carving out the time to acquire, experiment with, and reflect on what you are exploring. Sometimes, this is going to clash with other priorities and occasionally it might feel a little overwhelming – even for the most dedicated learner. If you know that a busy period is coming up, plan for catch-up time in the weeks that follow.
Some of our longer programmes involve following a specific timetable with a group – with new modules ‘starting’ at a given time. This may tie in with Peer Support Group meetings, and/or with workshops or webinars. If this is the case for your programme, an important aspect is that you are not alone – but in a community of learners. The timings of ‘live’ experiences or group meetings are rarely changed once the programme starts, as this would impact negatively on your colleagues and co-learners. Keeping up with others, so that you share your learning and benefit from their experience, is important.
Get into the learning habit, and if you have concerns about whether you will be able to do this, and if you fall behind at any time, just reach out to us and we will try to help.
Can I bundle one course or programme with another and save money?
Some of our courses are already bundled, in particular the shorter courses shown in our ‘bitesize’ section. If the course you are interested in IS available in a value-for-money bundle, proceed with your purchase, and before closing the ‘sale’, you will be notified of this choices at your ‘Cart’.
If the other courses you are interested in are not bundled right now, just contact us, as we can put a custom bundle together for you.
Can I commission custom courses for my organisation?
Many of our programmes and short (bite-size) courses have been originally developed especially for a client – and, where appropriate, then adapted for a broader audience and turned into an ‘open’ programme. It is our clients around the world that ‘pull’ new content and commission what we go on to build, to meet their needs at any given time.
If you would like to either curate a custom programme from our existing stock, or you have an area of new content that you would like us to look at, just contact us and we can help.
What if I'm not satisfied with my purchase?
Our courses and materials are getting great feedback from users – but of course it might not suit exactly what you are looking for.
We are always happy to refund you if you start a course and find it isn’t what you wanted. Please contact us straight after completing the first lesson in the course if you would like us to refund your payment or switch you to a more suitable product.
Please note that we are unable to refund a course that has been more than 50% completed.