Coaching for Safe Innovation and Empowerment Programme
“We want to make people feel safe, respected and well supported – to have choice over their lives.”
Ann McCallum, Council Co-Chair
This resource supports leaders, performance coaches and locality managers as they lead and coach their 7,000 colleagues, who work to support people with learning disabilities and autism to have a louder voice, choice and control in their lives.
Ultimately, voice, choice and control can only be offered to others, if the inside of the organisation reflects the same values, in the way homes and services are led, and employees experience their working lives. Empowerment WITH safe controls, innovation WITH rigour and risk-management means everyone has to become highly skilled in disciplined coaching. This programme aims to support this important work.
Programme Resources
Dimensions Coaching Workshop (virtual)
Coaching conversations using the ‘iceberg’ model (draft)
Get ready to learn
Learning and change preferences
Know self to lead others
Develop your generative presence to be at your best
Checking in and out to build trust
The gift of skilful listening
Sensing and filtering signals of change
The art of the question
Mastering a broad range of interventions
Understand human needs to build trust
Challenge, support and the ‘drama triangle’
Difficult conversations and feedback
Working positively with resistance
Choosing generative change – why and how do strength-based interventions work?
Appreciative Inquiry – basic guide
Orienting to personal strengths – develop your appreciative eye
Orienting to strengths as a team – develop your collective appreciative eyes
Introducing growth mindset
Growth mindset ‘under fire’ – stress, anxiety and threat
What drives top team performance?
Trust and trust-building
Virtual Peer Support Groups – introduction
Dimensions Coaching ALG Community Space
Our programme includes
2-day Coaching Workshop
An inspiring and pragmatic 2-day workshop to learn, practice with and become confident in the coaching skills.
The contents have been carefully chosen and customised to fit with the specific environment in Dimensions – and the particular orientation to innovation and empowerment which is at the heart of the strategy and vision for the organisation.
Virtual Action Learning Group meetings
Half-day Action Learning Group meetings with a small group of 4-6 colleagues – facilitated by a Lacerta specialist – spread out over the course of the year following the workshop.
These sessions offer the opportunity to bring real issues, stories and experiences into a safe working space – for inquiry, coaching, support and scrutiny. This amplifies and embeds the use of the tools, techniques and ideas from the workshop.
Conducted entirely on a virtual platform, they enable connection across the UK, with deep, meaningful learning process and minimum cost and inconvenience.
Different types of media in bite-sized chunks
Each lesson will mix videos to watch, with material to read. Each one is designed to be worked through in less than an hour.
Plus there are downloadable handouts, worksheets and checklists to print and take away, and keep for future reference.
Frequently asked questions
How long can I access these resources?
This pack of resources will be accessible to you for as long as you/your organisation is working with us.
In addition, in each lesson there are also PDFs, tools, products and exercises, that we think you will want to keep - you can download them, or print them.
If you are registered and confirmed as a participant on this programme, then you have free access to this resource. If you have already asked us to register you on this platform, you should be also enrolled on this package. If that is the case, you just need to log in to get started.
Click on the MENU button, and then follow through to your Dashboard. You can launch your resource pack from there.