Leading and

managing virtually – advanced

To make virtual teamwork work … move your team to a new set of behaviours, not just to a new generation of technology, with human engagement as the first priority”

Keith Ferrazzi, author and team performance specialist

This course is part of a series of 3 packages which, together, form a comprehensive leadership development programme.

It is designed to enable you to lead the remote, work-from-anywhere and hybrid workplace that is rapidly becoming our 'new normal'.

This series offers the following:

Leading and managing virtually - introduction

This course focuses on how YOU 'turn up' as a leader, using virtual mechanisms of connection, communication and engagement:

  • Understand the substantial differences in leading virtually, when compared to co-located leadership.
  • Take charge of your own presence, voice and connection with others, and make choices about how you communicate your leadership authority.
  • Build your confidence to run meetings which are more engaging, participative and impactful.
  • Build sustainable team connectivity using both synchronous and asynchronous mechanisms.

Using yourself as a generative and authoritative presence, which helps others to connect, trust and collaborate better, creates the right conditions to then move on to more advanced leadership practices in the virtual and hybrid space.

Leading and managing virtually - advanced

This course helps you:

  • Understand the challenges and opportunities around team performance and innovation that working remotely or in hybrid settings creates.
  • Focus on processes and behaviours that build trust and psychological safety, which underpin the potential of sustainable performance, productivity and belonging.
  • Enhance your skills, with advanced techniques and approaches to virtual meeting design, in particular tackling problems of multi-tasking, dis-engagement and ownership problems.
  • Build confidence leading in a new way - as a convener and facilitator of creative networks.

Going virtual or hybrid as a long-term way of working is not only a technological change - it implies new models of leadership, which in turn means a shift to some of the practices normally associated with professional facilitators and group coaches - and this will help set you up for a more productive team.

Mental health, flourishing and performance in hybrid workplaces

Even if you have mastered the techniques and leadership practices of the remote workplace, the research over 2020-21 has shown that remote and hybrid working carries some very real risks of burnout, isolation, loss of networks and innovation, and in some cases, real degradation of mental health and with it, productivity and performance.

This course helps you:

  • Understand, in depth, the learnings from the global research over the pandemic period - and the implications for leaders seeking a long-term move to remote or hybrid working.
  • Focus on processes and behaviours that restore your sense of autonomy and choicefulness, rebuild boundaries and productive self-care practices, and provide practical ideas you can develop with your teams and colleagues.
  • Enhance your skills, with advanced techniques and approaches to refreshing your team's sense of purpose and values, and orienting them around strengths and commitments.
  • Bounce-forward together with practical ideas for developing 'learner' (or growth) mindset, resilience and adaptive capacity, and finding supportive ways of working with stress, uncertainty and ambiguity.
  • Build confidence in designing and leading the hybrid workplace - with the latest ideas on design, work-process and community building.

Living with work-from-anywhere combined with some work-in-the-office creates new tensions and opportunities - from emerging issues around fairness and power dynamics to opportunities for a truly globalised workforce - it means taking bold steps to maximise the benefits while being very aware of the risks.

Each course costs £150 if purchased separately.  You can purchase all three courses as a cost-effective 'bundle' priced at £350, by selecting any of the individual courses, and then upgrading at your basket/cart prior to checkout.  If you do this, please remember to take OUT the original course, before going through checkout.

Ready to jump in?

£150.00 inc VAT

Programme contents

  • Put trust and safety at the heart of your team – Contents
    5 minutes
  • What drives top team performance?
    60 minutes
  • Understand human needs to build trust
    60 minutes
  • Trust and trust-building
    60 minutes
  • Design for ownership, performance and agility – Contents
    5 minutes
  • Designing and leading meetings that get results
    120 minutes
  • VL – Focus, attention and engagement – multitasking, concentration and improving efficiency
    50 minutes
  • VL – Virtual leader as convener
    180 minutes
  • The art of the question
    20 minutes
  • Virtual Peer Support Groups – options
    12 minutes
  • Move to the third course in this series to develop your remote and hybrid workplace leadership further
    0 minutes

This programme offers

Work through it in your own way - binge or nibble?

Some people like to 'binge learn', meaning that they allocate a whole day, and sink into a thorough immersion in a whole module.  Others prefer to take 2 hours per week, and work through a single lesson at a time.

Our courses are ideally suited to both - you are in control and you can work in the way you want, at the time you want.

Whatever your preference is, you are advised to book time in your diary, to ensure you get into a learning habit.

Different types of media to suit all needs

Each lesson will mix videos to watch, with material to read and explore.

Plus there are downloadable handouts, worksheets, templates and checklists to print and take away, and keep for future reference.

Be part of a learning community and/or get specialist coaching

Many of our 'open' programmes can also be supported by 1:1 coaching with one of our deeply experienced consultants and supervisors, or through PSG's (peer support and learning groups) which we assemble, bringing together people just like you, to coach each other, with our facilitation and input.

Just get in contact if you would like to discuss any of these options.

If you would like to find out more about this programme, get more detail on the content, or discuss a support structure, send us a message!

6 + 11 =

Frequently asked questions

How long can I access a programme or course?

Your programme, course or module will be accessible to you for 1 year from the time you start it.

However in each lesson there are also PDFs, tools, products and exercises, that we think you will want to keep – you can download them, or print them.

What if I fall behind and out of step with the programme timing?

All significant learning commitments require some dedication.  This means making conscious choices, and carving out the time to acquire, experiment with, and reflect on what you are exploring.  Sometimes, this is going to clash with other priorities and occasionally it might feel a little overwhelming – even for the most dedicated learner.  If you know that a busy period is coming up, plan for catch-up time in the weeks that follow.

Some of our longer programmes involve following a specific timetable with a group – with new modules ‘starting’ at a given time.  This may tie in with Peer Support Group meetings, and/or with workshops or webinars.  If this is the case for your programme, an important aspect is that you are not alone – but in a community of learners.  The timings of ‘live’ experiences or group meetings are rarely changed once the programme starts, as this would impact negatively on your colleagues and co-learners.  Keeping up with others, so that you share your learning and benefit from their experience, is important.

Get into the learning habit, and if you have concerns about whether you will be able to do this, and if you fall behind at any time, just reach out to us and we will try to help.

Can I bundle one course or programme with another and save money?

Some of our courses are already bundled, in particular the shorter courses shown in our ‘bitesize’ section.  If the course you are interested in IS available in a value-for-money bundle, proceed with your purchase, and before closing the ‘sale’, you will be notified of this choices at your ‘Cart’.

If the other courses you are interested in are not bundled right now, just contact us, as we can put a custom bundle together for you.

Can I commission custom courses for my organisation?

Many of our programmes and short (bite-size) courses have been originally developed especially for a client – and, where appropriate, then adapted for a broader audience and turned into an ‘open’ programme.  It is our clients around the world that ‘pull’ new content and commission what we go on to build, to meet their needs at any given time.

If you would like to either curate a custom programme from our existing stock, or you have an area of new content that you would like us to look at, just contact us and we can help.

What if I'm not satisfied with my purchase?

Our courses and materials are getting great feedback from users – but of course it might not suit exactly what you are looking for.

We are always happy to refund you if you start a course and find it isn’t what you wanted.  Please contact us straight after completing the first lesson in the course if you would like us to refund your payment or switch you to a more suitable product. 

Please note that we are unable to refund a course that has been more than 50% completed.