Shell – Powering Progress Resources
“How do you change the world? One room at a time. Which room? The one you’re in.”
Peter Block
This set of resources is offered to stimulate ideas, and to support the creative process.
Drawing on leading-edge materials, it aims to:
- Supplement your own wisdom and knowledge, with what might be (for some) new ideas, and (for others) will confirm or challenge existing ideas.
- Stimulate design thinking.
Follow your curiosity
We know that each person in the PP team brings with them a huge range of experience – from OD to Strategy, from Brand and Purpose to Leadership.
We invite you to explore and follow your interest.
Contents and resources
History and practice of organisation development
Introduction to Dialogic OD
Introduction to, and overview of Dialogic Change and Organisation Development
Introducing growth mindset
Growth mindset ‘under fire’ – stress, anxiety and threat
Understand human needs to build trust
Trust and trust-building
Checking in and out to build trust
What drives top team performance?
The power of purposeful teams
The power of purposeful teams – workshop templates for purpose, strengths and values
Introduction to strategic thinking
The nature of strategic inquiry
Sensing and filtering signals of change
Know self to lead others
Rethinking organisations for adaptability and antifragility
Adaptive and dialogic leadership – developing your improvisation skills
Develop your generative presence to be at your best
Dialogue and generativity (draft)
Introduction to facilitation
Hosting, convening and facilitating
The gift of skilful listening
The art of the question
Working positively with resistance
Challenge, support and the ‘drama triangle’
Difficult conversations and feedback
Coaching conversations using the ‘iceberg’ model (draft)
Designing and leading meetings that get results
Rapid prototyping and hackathon design for virtual and f2f groups
VL – Checklists, tips and hygiene factors for productive virtual meetings
VL – Stay connected when remote – tips and tech for community productivity and social health
Learning and change preferences
Executive Team Learning Groups – preparation
Action Learning Groups – introduction
Action Learning Groups – intermediate
This resource pack offers
You are in control - take as much or little as you like
The collaboration between Shell PP and Lacerta is designed such that YOU are in control how much you access and use. We intend to share what we have openly, and to learn from what you know just as much!
Different types of media to suit all needs
Each package offers a mix videos to watch, with material to read developed by our consultants over the years. You will also find a curated set of hotlinks to the best external materials, books, papers and videos, recommended by your collaboration partner.
Plus there are downloadable handouts, worksheets, templates and checklists to print, take away, and use.
Frequently asked questions
How long can I access these resources?
This pack of resources will be accessible to you for as long as you/your organisation is working with us.
In addition, in each lesson there are also PDFs, tools, products and exercises, that we think you will want to keep - you can download them, or print them.
If you are registered and confirmed as a participant on this programme, then you are also already enrolled and can get started.
Click on the MENU button, and then follow through to your Dashboard. You can launch your course from there.